Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gag me.

This post is about weddings that make me gag.

Overly themed weddings.
First of all Peter Pan is wearing tights. Seriously, this marriage is going to have issues.

I understand the need for getting married without spending money. But if you are going to have the judge/pastor/priest/whatever come down to McDonald's then you are just asking to be a spectacle.

This girl's friends must love her. Or she hates them. But I think that they are probably all insane because who in their right mind wears a camo dress and has bridemaids in I don't even know what color to call that orange dresses with trains and what kind of friends let her do that?

Um are those bundt cakes? I am all for home made but did you cook them in an oven on a hill?

This poor girl.
Well at least she knows what she is getting into before hand.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wedding stuff that inspires me!

Okay the above would be amazing - if I had an unlimited budget.
I have a limited budget so for now I will just admire the pretty!

What a romantic feel this room has. I can picture good friends, family, and lots of laughter over several bottles of wine. It reminds me of dinners that you never really want to end.

Okay I am not really feeling pinkish but white peonies now that is something to think about. Big white peonies for bridesmaid bouquets. Hmmmm......

What girl doesn't love pearls! And it is such a personal touch! I know I can figure a way to do this!

More candles! I am counting 20+ vases and candles on this table! Imagine how awesome they would look lit!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Stressing is an understatement. I have finals starting Monday. Here is the order of the tests:
  • BacT on Monday
  • Pharm on Tues (AAAHHHH!!!)
  • Viro on Wed (tears. just tears.)
  • Path on Thurs
Here is the order of the exams based on scary factor:
  1. VIRO
  2. Pharm
  3. Path
  4. Bact
For the last two nights I didn't even get home from school before midnight. Tonight I am finding it hard to focus so I am trying to get things sorted out so that all I have to concentrate on is finals. Hopefully pre-finals planning will really benefit me and my diet. Last semester I was so freaked out that I just went to the grocery store and bought 6 days worth of hoagie sandwiches (12 total) chips, and a ton of diet coke. Lets just say after 6 days of eating nothing but junk I felt miserable. I know that the stress of finals is something I have no control about but I can plan to make my body be the absolute best. And lets be truthful, I have worked hard to lose 15 lbs (yay me!) and I don't really want to complete screw it up because at midnight I get the munchies and order pizza. So here is my diet plan -
-PROTEIN! You always hear how protein is brain food, well Lord I hope it is!
-lean deli turkey, tuna, white beans, chicken, and nuts for snacking
-Soup! filling comfort food that actually has veggies!
-I made a cabbage soup that is full of veggies and I froze it in individual portions
-pre-packaged soups - hey chicken noodle is comfort food! and I know exactly how many calories I am consuming.
-Fruit: peaches, pineapple and banana - already sliced up and in individual servings.
-Veggies: those in the soup (seriously my cabbage soup probably has 3 servings of veggies for every portion!); celery and salsa - my new favorite snack. I honestly don't think I will ever go back to chips and salsa. Celery is SOOOO much better and it gives that crunchy bite!
-Carbs: okay, I am actively avoiding these but I do have whole wheat cracker sticks because I do get the munchies.
-WATER!!! lots and lots of the stuff. I know that I will be downing the coffee and diet coke (Lent ends on Sunday!!!!) but I am hoping to keep it to a minimum.
-Eat a mini meal every 4-6 hours. Hopefully this will keep me from feeling any kind of crash or feel like I am starving myself.

So that is the diet plan. Other than that I have picked out clothes to wear for each day of the week to save time. I have to be as efficient as possible. No wasting time because time is precious. I think I am prepared. It really just needs to be all about school. No distractions. It sounds like I am going to battle. But in a way I am. Failure would be about a $40,000 failure. Failure would be pushing my wedding back. Failure is a constant threat hanging over my head that I refuse to allow to squash me and my dreams. I am going to go study some more.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

White Chocolate Strawberry Goodness

This is my new friend. I am sure I don't really want to know what is in it that makes it taste so yummy but I love it. It has only 100 calories, no fat, less than 5 mg of cholesterol, 5 grams of protein, 250 mg of potassium, and it has 20% Daily Value of Calcium and Vitamin D, 15% Daily Value Vitamin A and Phosphorus. On the down side it does have 85 mgs of sodium and 14 grams of sugar :(
I am dieting. Again. After only 3 weeks I am minus almost 10 pounds :) Unfortunately, I am one of those people who can be really successful dieting for about a month then I get bored/frustrated with the whole thing and give up. But hopefully this time I am going to be more motivated to stick with it. I have been going to the gym at least 3 times a week and at least once a week going for a long swim or playing beach volleyball. I have been doing at least 45 minutes of cardio and some light weight training and I am seeing results on the scale and some of my pants are fitting better. I am not really on any type of "diet plan" really I am just neurotically watching every bite I take. And trying to really balance out my diet. Which brings me back to the I love me some flavored yoghurt story. I don't drink milk. I just don't like to drink it straight from the carton. (and in St. Kitts it is also not always the most available product) Now if I put some Cinnamon Toast Crunch (the same cereal I have been eating for the last 15 years) in my milk I have no problem eating the cereal and drinking the left over milk. But have you ever looked at what is in Cinnamon Toast Crunch? LOTS of SUGAR! Which is probably why it is so so good. So while I know its not perfect for a calcium source, yoghurt is at least something that I will eat. Plus, the white chocolate strawberry is freakin delicious! It is sweet and makes me feel like I am really indulging but sans guilt.
With finals coming up and a lot of late night studying and sitting on my bum for hours on end I am worried that my diet may be in jeopardy. Then I am going home for two weeks which means I will have access to places like SONIC and their crispy fried french fries! Oh dear.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So I fly A LOT.

I had to figure out all my past flights for the last year that were involved with going to school. (ugh taxes)

LIT - SMF 2/2/08 - 2/5/08
SKB - MSY 4/26/08 - 8/17/08
DFW - SKB 8/30/08 - 12/13/08
ORL - SKB 1/1/09 one way
SKB - DFW 2/20/09 - 2/23/09
SKB - DFW 4/19/09 - 5/04/09
SKB - DFW 5/15/09 - 5/17/09
SKB - DFW 5/23/09 - 5/25/09

This list doesn't include a trip to WV or out to LA for a weekend. Or a trip home from school for a family emergency.

I love frequent flyer miles and I have racked up quite a few. I think I may save them up for mine and Justin's honeymoon! By then I will probably have enough miles to travel somewhere awesome!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

the engagement a la Justin!


My family is pretty predictable; my fiancée’s family is not. I had been planning to ask her dad for their blessings in asking Laura to marry me for a long time, and the day had finally arrived. I was on my way back to Texas from visiting my family in Jackson, MS. I had planned to stop in on a Sunday afternoon. I knew that her mom would be at church playing the organ, so I would be able to talk to her father alone for a little while. Knowing their unpredictability, I make a practice of calling well ahead of time in order to be sure that someone will be home and I am not stuck outside visiting with their crazy dog for an hour.

Driving there, I called and called and could not get an answer, so by the time I arrived at the Winnsboro exit on Interstate 20, I was panicking a little bit. What if I arrived in Winnsboro, and there was no one at home? Finally, as I was nearly into the town, Laura’s father called me back, and told me that he would be home in about an hour. I figured that I could kill time for an hour just checking out her home town. I was wrong. Her home town is a so small that if you sneeze you will miss it. So I walked around her hometown Wal-Mart for about an hour waiting for someone to get home.

Finally, I went to her house and met up with her dad. We sat in the living room and had some small talk for a little while- how are the dogs doing, how’s basketball going for Katy, and the like. Finally, I got down to why I was there. I simply said something like, “Dr. John, you know that I love Laura, right?”

He responded, “Of course.”

I then stammered out, “W-w-will you give me your blessings in asking her to marry me?”

He sat there for a second with a smile on his face, and then he said, “Of course! You know, I sort of thought that might be what you were here for today.”

After this, he and I sat there and talked about how amazing of a woman Laura is, and I cannot say I disagreed with a single thing he said, but the more he spoke, the more I realized just how blessed I am to even know that woman much less to be on the verge of being engaged to her.

In the midst of this, Mrs. Charlotte came in from church, and Dr. John informed her that I was there to ask them something. I once again asked the question, this time with a little more comfort in the words, “Will you give me your blessings in asking her to marry me?”

At this, Mrs. Charlotte responded with tears in her eyes, “YES!” After her exclamation, she grabbed me and hugged me.

The three of us sat there and talked about when it would happen, if they should tell anyone about what we were discussing, and how long I had been planning to ask her.

The Ring

I had commissioned the ring over that same Thanksgiving break- in my natural, last minute nature. Laura and I had discussed what she liked for a long time, but that time during the commissioning, and the rings completion was quite stressful. It seemed that at least once a day I was calling to see how the ring was coming, and day after day, the news caused just as much apprehension as the previous one.

Finally, Christmas Eve arrived; the day of the proposal was there, but the ring was not in hand. This was the result of several difficulties in finding someone who would be able to produce a ring that met the requirements set forth and slow Christmas Eve delivery.

I arrived at the jewelry store at about 2:30 PM eager to pick up the ring. I had been told that it would be there that afternoon, so I expected to walk out with the ring, but the horrifying news attacked my ears; Fed Ex had not arrived with the ring, but another delivery was expected later that afternoon, so I went out to my pickup, and I drove around the city for several hours waiting anxiously.

With the help of Laura’s sisters whom had discovered my intentions for the evening by then, I was able to get out of the house without Laura discovering why I was to be gone for so long, so after a few hours, she was calling me to find out where I was. It was at that time that I realized how little time there was until her family’s Christmas Eve Party was to begin which is when I wanted to propose in front of her whole family and all their close friends.

I returned to the jeweler’s and, the ring setting had arrived, so I sat and waited, oh so patiently, for the diamonds to be mounted. Finally, the ring was finished, and I looked even more beautiful than I could have ever believed.

I rushed back to Winnsboro with one thing on my mind. I had been pondering the way that I would ask Laura that important question for quite sometime, but I still felt that I could make it better; I honestly was questioning the entire way that I had planned to ask the question. The closer I drew to the house in Winnsboro, the more I could feel my stomach sinking deeper and deeper still.

The Proposal

The moment was, at last, upon us. The party had gone on for about an hour, and I was beginning to sense that the time was right, so I entered the living room with Laura’s hand in mine. We positioned ourselves in front of the fireplace. Some fellows had arrived earlier with guitars and were playing as a cousin sang; Laura’s sister, Emily, realizing what we were about to do, silenced the players for a moment. I announced that I had something to say:

Tonight, we celebrate new beginnings. We celebrate the new beginning offered to us through Jesus whose birth we have come together to celebrate.

We also celebrate the birth of baby Madeline whom many here are meeting for the first time tonight.

I would like to add one more ‘new beginning’ to this list. [I got down on one knee at this point]. I would like to add the beginning of our lives together. Laura, will you marry me?

While I was saying these words, Laura began to cry hysterically, and when I was done, she told me to get up, and she hugged me. Her sisters surrounded to see the ring, and then someone realized that she had not said, “Yes,” or, “No.” So one of the sisters asked her, “Well, what do you say?”

She responded with a tearful, “YES!”, and then the rest of the family circled us with hugs and hope to see the ring.

After that, the entire situation became one big blur of hugs, kisses, and handshakes, so I must apologize for the lack of detail henceforth. After this, my grandparents went home to go to bed, but the party continued, someone decided to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate the event, and cups of bubbly, golden elixir were passed about the room. With cups in hand, Laura’s father gave a toast in honor of the big event of the night.

Now, I eagerly await the day when my fiancée becomes my wife. I cannot imaging spending the rest of my life with anyone else. I fear that too few people get the opportunity that I have in her and that is to marry one’s best friend. I wish that everyone could find someone who means as much to him as she does to me.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Coming Back for 3rds

Well, I am in 3rd semester now! Meaning I am about a 1/3 of the way done with the program. The last year has gone by sooooo quickly. It was about this time last year that I was really realizing that I was moving, starting vet school, missing graduation, and my life was going to seriously change. I like to think that I have grown a lot as a person in the last year. I KNOW that I have met some amazing people and made great friends.
Third semester classes:
  • Pathology
  • Virology
  • Bacteriology
  • Pharmacology
So this is supposed to be an "easier" semester than 1st and 2nd. I will be honest there is nothing that could be worse than 2nd. But I survived and moved on!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I am a bad blogger.

So a lot happened since I last blogged. Sorry about the long time no see. I got really really busy with finals! (woohoo--I am now in third semester! Go ME!). I got my tonsils taken out. (okay there is a reason you are supposed to do that when you are like 7 years old because when you do it at 22 it hurts like a mother!). I got engaged!!!! Yay! (more on that later!) I had Christmas with my family! I got to see my little niece! Went to Disney World and had a great vacation. I came back to St. Kitts during the middle of Carnival. And now things are finally settling down to school as usual!

Minnie, Me, Justin, and Mickey!
After an AMAZING dinner in the new theme park at Disney!


I just really really like this picture and no editing has been done on it!

Christmas Sisters!

The only person in the world I would let keep me awake with her crying from 11 pm to 4 am every single night.

Being silly!

Justin at Mickey's house at Disney!

My very pretty engagement ring!!!! WooHoo! I am going to do a blog about the proposal and everything that is happening now! We have even set a tenative date!

100+ pound bundle of love!
Bella is mine and Justin's newest family member!
She may not be the brightest dog ever, but she is a sweetie!

The four legged love of my life!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

feeling ugh.

Vet school is hard. I never came into it thinking that this would be easy. But it has been a really rough week. Friday nite was Halloween and I went to a friends house for his bday to celebrate and as usual the pictures came on facebook on saturday. The thing about these particular pictures is that i look like a cow. No i didn't dress up as a cow. I just look like a cow. I have always been a big person and for the most part I am able to accept myself because I have never felt "unhealthy". My blood pressure (when i am not cracked out on Red Bull, coffee, and stress from exams) is usually on the lower side of normal. My cholesterol and other blood work always comes back fine. I usually love the feeling that I can move the couch without having to call for help. It is nothing for me to lift our anatomy dissection subject by myself. It makes me feel independent. But those pictures on facebook really threw it in my face how much I have not been taking care of myself. My arms aren't strong and powerful, they look fat and blobby. My legs don't look powerful they look chubby. It makes me sad that I look this way. And truly the only way to solve my problems is to eat healthy and exercise. Seriously though I have little time for myself or exercising. I am frustrated. ugh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hurricane Day!

We are having a hurricane holiday over here! Hurricane Omar is heading towards the island and they have cancel school. But not before our 6:50 AM Physio test! Needless to say that after a trip to town to stock up on supplies, get gas, go to the bank and other errands I am curled up on the couch and obviously not studying and watching TROY. (yeah there is a parasit test next week I know...!) I am watching troy for its fabulous man candy! I own this dvd and yet I have no idea what the plot is! haha!

One of the errands that I ran was to go hunt down the electricity bill. We have been living here since august and I have never gotten a bill. Weird, I know. So after much confusion and searching, Val and I found the unmarked, white, square building where the electricity billing is done. Apparently nobody thought it wise to put up a sign. So I go and inquire about the bill only to find out that they are behind in billing. They are only current as of JUNE 2008. HOLY COW!!! how do people live or operate a business like that! We were told that we should get the bill for august in November or December. Bizzaro. Also apparently it is odd or something to go hunt your bill down because the lady who helped us seemed offended that we asked where the bill was as if we did not know that it comes four months late. Does anyone else get nervous when your bills do not show up?

it is officially less than two months till I go home for Christmas and in two months and 1 day i will be sans tonsils! Because of stress, bad tonsils, and the sinus infection from hell, my sinuses have been bleeding so I have had this disgusting bloody nasal ickyness that is about to push me over the edge.

Have a great day!

if you are wondering I am taking the hurricane serious! I put my books on the highest shelf I could find so they will be protected in case it floods! No studying in a hurricane!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Interesting Article I Found....

Make no mistake: Dr. Dolittle is not my favorite literary figure. He is, however, the inspiration for many children eager to devote their lives to the practice of veterinary medicine. Hence, the title moniker for this blog. Plus, I get a kick out of comparing myself to Eddie Murphy and some goofy, old, white man with his stethoscope trained on a hippo’s ass.

It always impresses me how innocently (and probably prematurely) many like me make our career choices. To be sure, there are many other vets who more cautiously enter the field after a college experience fostered a love of science the human medical field couldn’t fulfill (given managed care and other pitfalls). But most of us have always felt a deep connection with our pets and other animals that seemed to point in one direction only.

And we’re not alone. I’m constantly introduced to people who tell me they had always dreamed of being a vet and would have pursued it but for: mediocre grades in college, a hatred of mathematics, an inability to abide the sight of blood, the unwillingness to perform euthanasia, etc.

So how many potential great doctors has my profession lost to a few technicalities I don’t even necessarily consider relevant? Way too many.

This blog is for all of you; and for all the still-hopeful, the serious wannabees, and everybody else out there who consider themselves pet-freaky, vet-curious, or medically inclined.

I hope all of you can slog through the gross parts and patiently indulge me my personal whims, whatever they may be. Who knows? Maybe this will inspire you to make a career change…or perhaps even tame your guilt at never having pursued your childhood dreams. After all, every profession has its downside, even one where you work with your first love and your days never fail to entertain you…At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

OPEN for business!

Sorry it has been a while since my last post. I have been uber busy! I had a horrific immunology test on Wednesday (made a B :), a presentation run thru that same day with my professors, a lot of neuro to catch up on and a parasite pop quiz on Thursday (boo parasites!). We are doing a lot better as far as electricity goes. It has been on for all most 24 hours straight but is not going to be fully fixed for a while yet. On Thursday night we didn't have water which sucked because I was trying to shower and it didn't work so well without water!

This weekend was good though! My volleyball team won our first game. I did manage to look like one of those cinnamon sugar covered donut because I fell in the ocean when I was chasing after a ball and then I dove into the sand to hit a ball and needless to say water + sand + me = sugar covered donut!

After the game, val and I went to Spratnets! Spratnet is this restaurant on the island with the BEST food. They serve lobster, fish, chicken, ribs, pizza, conch, and shrimp. You walk up to the counter and say I want fish and you may get snapper or mahi mahi or whatever they have that night and you don't say oh i want grilled fish or baked fish you just get fish however they feel like cooking fish that day! The shrimp are amazing because the are coated in a creole sauce and grilled. mmmmm yummmy! The garbage pizza is fantastic too! The put every thing you could think of on it and it is oh so good. But honestly the best thing they have are the johnny cakes which come with your meal and I love the coconut cake. I never manage to actually save room for the cake so I usually just get it to go and eat it the next day! I love me some spratnet. Like most places they were closed in the off season and have just reopened! Everytime i have ever gone there, I purposely order more food than I can eat so I can enjoy left overs all week!

I also had my first SCUBA lesson! I think that SCUBA diving is something I am going to really enjoy! We learned all about our equipment and how to set it up and tear it down, how to breath underwater, how to find our regulator if we lose it, how to clear our mask if it leaks on us and how to hover in the water using our lungs and breathing to regulate our depth. At first using the regulator was awkward because you are sitting in the bottom of the pool and all the air you breath out is bubbling in your face but once you get moving the bubbles move out of the way too. The part I had trouble with is when we had to self inflate our BCD and I floated up while holding my breath. Holding your breath when you are in a pool is no big deal but when you are deep underwater it is a problem because air is denser the deeper you go and if you are holding your breath and floating up the higher you go up the more the air expands inside your chest. This is not a good thing. I am much better at using my breathing to regulate my water depth. Hopefully after our first dive I will have pictures to show you!

LSU lost to florida this week and i really really wanted to cry. It wasn't just a loss it was a total team melt down :(

It has been a really busy stressful week and did I mention I went back to the doctor and got two more shots :( and I still don't feel 100%. I cannot wait to get my tonsils out because this is driving me freaking CRAZY being sick and not feeling good ever! After the immuno test and parasite quiz I slept for hours on thursday because of just sheer freaking exhaustion!

All in all it has been a really busy week and it is looking like next week is very busy too. I have a physiology test and a presentation on Wednesday!

have a good week!

Question of the day: How many PSI is oxygen in the standard dive tank under?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Electricty? What is that?


well if you are wondering why I haven't blogged in while it is because electricity has been erratic at best lately. The island is run by generators and 2 of them caught on fire. This means that the need for power is way above what can be supplied. They have been shifting around the power supply to different areas. Meaning that I may have power for only 6-7 hours each day and I have no idea when I will have power. It was really rough when it first happened. We lost power for about 45 hours straight :( Many of the businesses have generators but these have to have fuel to run so the line for gas is crazy!

More later!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Busy Bee!

Bleh!!! That is kind of how I feel since my last post. I cannot begin to describe all of the things that have happened since my last post. So here is a brief list....
  • Anatomy Lecture exam - woo-hoo 95 A
  • Anatomy Palpation exam (live animal) - 90 A
  • Anatomy Lab - er not so good (yes I passed but lets just say there is a reason i needed to make A's on the next two exams.
  • Parasitology Lecture Exam - B
  • Physiology II exam - A
  • and of course the daily neurology quizzes!

wait there is more to the list...
  • the washing machine exploded with my clothes in it.
  • Tonsil surgery scheduled (short version of this story...the dr. who was supposed to do it has retired and I had to find another one that could do a consult and surgery in a two day window when I am home for Christmas...thanks dad and anna for sorting that out)
  • almost caught the microwave on fire (that one is kinda my fault)
  • chased a cow off of the porch (completely true story: I came home between classes because I forgot my power cord to my laptop and this young bull was standing on my porch. He looked like he was just checking out the scenery! I have no idea where he came from but I was terrified he was going to swing his head into one of the glass panes on the French doors.)
  • horrible sinus infection
  • went to the St. Kitts doctor (I swear this guy is AMAZING!!! he was extremely thorough and very professional. He took his time to discuss options, side effects of options, concerns and did everything that a good doctor should!)
  • got two shots from said Dr.
  • played a volleyball game where i got hit in the head and bruised my knee :(
  • grocery shopping and grilled some chicken.

I know that these things don't sound like a lot but it really is when you consider how much i study all the time.

I had meant to put up this picture of sea glass earlier. I had collected most of it a while back from the beach right down from my house. I really am starting to love sea glass because it is such a unique thing and probably the only thing good that ever came from not recycling!

A brief history of Sea Glass (from Wikipedia)
Sea glass (also known as beach glass, mermaid's tears, lucky tears, and many other names) is glass found on beaches along oceans or large lakes that has been tumbled and smoothed by the water and sand, creating small pieces of smooth, frosted glass.

The color of sea glass is determined by its original source. Most sea glass comes from bottles, but it can also comes from jars, plates, windows, windshields, glasses, art, flasks, containers, and any glass sources that have wound up in the ocean.

The most common colors of sea glass are kelly green, brown, and clear. These colors come the bottles used by companies like Heineken, Sprite, Canada Dry, Clorox, Anheuser-Busch, and others. The clear or white glass comes from clear plates and glasses, windshields, windows, and assorted other sources.

Less common colors include jade, amber (from bottles for whiskey, medicine, spirits, and early Clorox bottles), golden amber (mostly used for spirit bottles), lime green (from soda bottles during the 1960s), forest green, and soft blue (from soda bottles, medicine bottles, ink bottles, and fruit jars from the late 1800s and early 1900s, windows, and windshields.) These colors are found about once for every 25 to 100 pieces of sea glass found.

Uncommon colors of sea glass include sea foam, which comes primarily from early to mid-1900s Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper, and RC Cola bottles, as well as beer bottles. Soft green colors could come from bottles that were used for ink, fruit, and baking soda. These colors are found once in every 50 to 100 pieces.

Purple sea glass is very uncommon, as is citron, opaque white (from milk bottles), cobalt and cornflower blue (from early Milk of Magnesia bottles, poison bottles, artwork, and Bromo-Seltzer and Vicks VapoRub containers), and aqua (from Ball Mason jars and 19th century glass bottles.) These colors are found once for every 200 to 1,000 pieces found.

Rare and extremely rare colors include pink (used for plates during the Great Depression), gray, teal (from Mateus wine bottles and other places), black (very dark green glass from as early as the 1700s, made into bottles for gin and other substances. Some black sea glass is found around Australia, originating from 1940s beer bottles. Its rarity is due to the obscure materials that were used with glass to make the bottles, which increased its rate of decomposition.), yellow (mostly from Vaseline containers and used in the Depression era), turquoise (from tableware and art glass), red (found once in every 5,000 pieces), and orange (the least common type of sea glass, found once in 10,000 pieces.) These colors are found once for every 1,000 to 10,000 pieces collected. "Black" sea glass is rarely found and often originates from pre-1860 glass that is actually dark olive green.

So yeah that is about all that is interesting in my life right now! Sorry if I am boring but that kinda is the life of a serious vet student!

loving the caribe...

oh and the question of the day: What is the single effect of the Loop of Henley?

Friday, September 26, 2008


too tired to blog...survived hell week...must sleep!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pasta Pie and Rain :(

Well I have to admit the weather here has been dreadful. I don't know if it is the weather or stress from tests (HELL WEEK!!! - 4 test in 5 days) or the fact that my intestines have currently double knotted themselves, but I am blue. Not the pretty aqua shade that looks great with a tan, but grey blue with no silver lining. In my blue-ness I was have doldrums over what to feed myself. I try to cook meals that can last for several days and I do a lot of doubling the recipe and freezing some so that I don't have to cook and have stuff for my lunch box to take to school. I had left over pasta (egg noodles? maybe) that had been in the fridge awhile. They were still ok to eat but I was tired of looking at them. And I some spaghetti sauce with meat in it. The meat had originally been left over hamburger patties that got crumbled up and put in the red sauce. Meat is on the expensive side here so I never just throw meat out with out a very good reason. I had eaten noodles and sauce about every other meal. And I just could not make myself eat another bowl of noodles and sauce. Not wanting to go to the store and spend money when I had perfectly good food here, I was looking for a way to reinvent what I had. I found a pie crust and some riccotta (LOVE!) and so pasta pie was in the making. I took pictures because I knew that either it was going to be a disaster or really good!
I baked up the pie crust (I did have a little garlic on hand so I did rub this into the crust to help get rid of that "I bought you at the store and left you in the freezer for the last month" taste.

Want to know the reason why the pie crust is some what burned?

THIS is the knob for the oven I LOVE having a full size oven again but seriously. Val and I think that the number are (hopefully) correlated to every 100 degrees. So 1 would be 100 and 2 would be 200 and so on but I have never heard of an oven that would get up to 700 degrees? And I grew up with an industrial style oven as a child! But I digress....

I mixed the noodles with the ricotta, two eggs, and some yoghurt. I did just enough of the mix to coat all the noodles with out it being runny. A quiche this is not.

After that I just started by layering the meat sauce very thinly on the bottom of the pie crust.

Followed by the noodles, cheese (white cheddar was all I had but I am sure a moz or italian blend would be lovely) and more meat sauce - word to the wise cover your noodles completely with meat sauce so they don't lose moisture in the oven when you bake them. Crunchy noodles would not do well in pasta pie. I put a little more cheese on top and stuck it back in the schizo oven.

And here is what happend

The pasta sauce was really well flavored but I couldn't remember what I put in it exactly. (I never use a recipe for things like pasta sauce or off the wall creations. Which is probably why I can never recreate them as good as they were some other time or they are 100% better than they were before.) So I didn't really season every thing else with anything more than appropriate salt and pepper because I hate having components of a dishing having competing flavors. Flavors should go together not against each other. Let the whole thing cool a bit before you slice it so the cheeses and stuff have time to set.

Now back to this: renal physiology. :(

Question of the day: Would excess aldosterone increase the concentration of K in the plasma?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Madeline!!!

To the right >
Baby Madeline and her Mom!!!
After 28 long hard hours of labor
Miss Madeline Ann made her grand
arrival! Anna is such a beautiful mom
to a beautiful baby!!! I know that everyone
thinks their newborn is the most beautiful
but Madeline really is. These pics were taken
very soon after her birth and look how
beautiful she is!!! Those lips and those eyes
are breath taking. Her eyes are a most
magnificent shade of dark blue. She is 21
inches and I cannot remember how many
pounds! Not bad for being two weeks

She is so peaceful.

Madeline and her great-grandmother - Yaya.

Hmmm....let me think about it. :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Promised Pics

I walk out of my house everyday and see a version of this view. I am loving it!

Above: Nevis and Neighbors


Sunset over the Caribbean from my house!

I love this dog!!!! he is not in St. Kitts but I wish he was :(

This is the rest of the cottage. It is really just a big great room! There is no central A/C so we leave all the windows open all of the time.
We couldn't get the oven to light when we first moved in and called the landlord over and he couldn't get it to light. So the landlord called the maintenance man who informed us we were trying to light the oven but were only turning on the broiler. I have never seen an oven like ours. It has a built in rotisserie that spins, 4 burners on the stove top are gas and two are electric.
I am just happy to have an oven again!

This is standing at my front door. The girls in the cottage next to ours are really great. Both are vet students just like me and Val my roomie!

Important lesson learned about soft top jeeps and living in the tropics. Put the top up unless you are in it. It rains everyday here and I have scooped enough water out of the floor boards for this lifetime.

The photo above has our sister island Nevis in the background.

Sunset from my house!
(Ignore the pile of dirt from the neighbors. They are doing an unending landscaping project.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Anna is going to be induced on Wednesday morning at 7:30 so that means I am going to be an Aunt two weeks earlier than planned. Hopefully everything is going to be fine! Madeline is plenty big enough to make a grand entrance and doing it this way will ensure that Anna has her husband (Dr. Jed) and her OB available. Both Jed and the OB had out of town commitments that could have possibly interfered with being home for the delivery. I am so excited for Anna and Jed! I know that they are going to make really great parents. Both of them are Christian, extremely intelligent, patient, kind, fun, and have a love for children. I think that this baby will not only be a blessing to them but to my entire family. It has been almost 20 years since we have had a baby around the house!

Downside to Anna having Madeline on Wednesday: I am stuck here. :( but I already knew that I wouldn't be able to get home because they moved some of my test around. Unfortunately I found I couldn't get away from school after I had bought a plane ticket. (it still doesn't mean that it doesn't break my heart to miss this) Another downside is that Katy has a softball tourney on the same day! In Katy's last tourney, they won district! She didn't pitch much, but she had several awesome hits! Including a line drive to the fence that had it been a little higher in the air would have gone over!!!! Katy is really an awesome athlete. She plays softball almost year-round. She has pitching practice every week in the off season and she starts playing in the community league in April and that usually goes thru July and overlaps the start of school ball starting and school ball goes usually into the end of October or the beginning of November! School softball overlaps basketball which Katy also plays. Before basketball can end tennis starts! So yeah Katy is pretty much booked up 12 months out of the year! I am amazed by how much Katy does and she still has a social life, is president of her class, and involved in tons of clubs and the church. She does all of this while keeping her grades up. While she hasn't decided on a college yet, any university would be lucky to have her!

Ugh parasitology is starting.....brb!

Question of the day: Which cranial nerve is associated with the palpebral reflexes?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

burned to a crisp!

So the scuba club hosted a great beach fest on Saturday! Kudos to Allie for great planning and ideas! Jen and I carpooled out to Cockleshell which is one of my favorite beaches on the island. When Justin came out, that is where we went snorkeling and saw a big sea turtle and other beautiful sea creatures. Anyway the beach fest was a blast! My team (jen, allie, meg, and me) got second in the vet question relay. And the team that BARELY beat us was 5th semesters and we are only second so that should tell you that we are all pretty much brilliant :)

However the bad news is I fell asleep on a beach chair for a few hours and got burned. BAD. I my sunburn is so bad it looks kinda maroon. I never knew I could turn that color! OUCH!!!

This weekend is the 25th anniversary of independence in St. Kitts. Think 4th of July for the states except because it is so recent they have so much pride in the country. It is not like in the states where your grandfather's grandmother's great-great grandmother was a child when we gained our independence. People my age remember St. Kitts being under the rule of another country. Which is fairly awesome when you think how much they have accomplished in the last 25 years of setting up a new government; switching from sugar cane harvesting as the major economy to an eco-tourism economy; trying to integrate the technology of the 21st century into an island with limited means and education; and they have been actively trying to promote social aid projects like social security and free education. Today I am proud of St. Kitts.

Unfortunately this pride is being marred by the fact that the island is having a gas shortage. Apparently the hurricanes (at least that is what we have been told) are holding up the ships that bring gas to the island. This is not America in that if the station down the street is out you just drive to one of the next 15 gas stations. I have only seen about 7 gas stations on the island and these 7 serve the entire population of St. Kitts (about 40,000) plus the students and tourist that are on island at any given time. This is one of the times that I am happy to not be living in the more developed area around the resorts but in a residential area about a 15 minute walk from school.

In other worlds of academia...
My big sister Em had her white coat ceremony for dental school this weekend! My dad (a dentist) flew up and watched her and just from talking to him I could tell that he was really proud and it was a very nice ceremony. Getting a white coat is a milestone in any type of medical school. It is a sign of accomplishment and knowledge. With a white coat, your school is showing their trust in you as a professional. It is a symbol to the public of intelligence and a source of aid. For those of you with white coats do not tarnish them because those without them are working very hard to earn it. I am so so proud of Em. She not only survived but excelled after Katrina, moving across the country, dental school, boards, and is going to be one awesome dentist!!! Way to go Em! (and yes I am bragging.)

Oh in other news
It is only 17 days until I am going to be an Aunt!!!! (Anna is having a little girl--Madeline!)
Katy's (younger sis who is an awesome pitcher) softball team won their district! More news on that later as I haven't talked to Katy yet to get all the details!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

uh posterboards cost $40....

So as usual school was very stressful. Immunology is so hard!!! Physio is quickly turning into this semesters favorite class. Physiology is just so applicable and relates to every aspect of vet med. Gross anat is hard and complicated but is totally possible to do well in if you study it every single day!!!! DO NOT GET BEHIND!!! that is kinda my motto for this semester. Parasitology was very interesting because we had a guest speaker who talked about a parasite treatment system that was developed by a professor I had at LSU and absolutely loved.

After school I decided to go downtown and get some poster boards and a coffee (no coffee maker right now but a little birdie from the states told me to watch the mail for one! I did look for one here and a really cheap 4 cup one cost about $290-$300 EC or about 120 USD!!!). But I digress from today's story. So I went into the little office supply store to get poster boards and I had my backpack on (another st. kitts thing -- don't leave anything in your car. ever. more on that later). I found the posters and was walking to the register when I heard this crash behind me. The glass that goes in at computer monitor had fallen off of a shelf behind me. well of course i was the only one anywhere near it so I thought I had done it. Well then I started looking around and realized that these glass things were on a shelf about six inches above my head! There was no way on God's fuzzy green earth I knocked over something 6 inches above my head by walking by it. But the store clerk kept saying that my pack had hit it when I walked by. I tried for quite awhile to reason with the guy that there was no way my pack could have jumped six inches above my head and hit the glass monitors! The guy agreed with me but his boss said that I had to pay for it. So yeah three poster boards ended up costing me about $40. Sad times. But wait it gets better.

After I left the office supply store and got my coffee (yummy iced coffee with chocolate ice cream) and was driving home. About 50 yards from the road to my house I got stuck behind a bus and was having to stop about every 20 feet. Well this guy behind me kept stopping his car literally on top of my bumper. So I decided that next time the bus stopped I would stop way back and just ease forward until the bus started going again. So the bus stops and I stop and the guy behind me stops. Right as I started to ease forward this guy in a red SUV rams into the back of the person behind me which causes him to bump me a little! I pretty much watched the whole thing happen in my rear view mirror because I had been watching the guy who was tailgating me! So I pulled over and got out as did the two cars behind me. They were both Kittitian men and I was this very American girl by herself. My car didn't get damaged (the guy only bumped my spare tire and pushed me forward a little) but I didn't feel comfortable just leaving so I called Ross security and the police to come out. So the po-po got there and Ross security and checked my insurance and told me I was free to go if I didn't have any complaints. YAY!!! my first wreck in St. Kitts had no damage and no one got hurt. It did scare me pretty bad because the guy behind me had a lot of damage to his car and was yelling at the guy who hit him and kept pointing at me and saying "She sees it! She sees it!"

Ok, well I have had a most trying afternoon and if you successfully read this obnoxiously long post you are probably tired too! So I am going to start cracking the books and maybe make dinner (I am kinda sick of cereal)!

Question of the day: Haemonchus contortus is also known as the "barber's pole" worm because why?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I find this humerus!

This is my dad! He is cheesing it up for the picture! He helped me move down here and by that I mean he carried two of my four bags that weighed about 100 lbs each! Yes, my grandchildren will still be paying on the amount that it cost to get my stuff down here!!!

So above is my little island jeep! It gets me where
I need to go for the most part. It is called a
Suzuki Jimny and it is a soft top! Definitely a
must for the island! All cars have to be shipped on
to the island so that means a car that would not
cost 1500 USD in the states cost about 5500 USD
on the island!

This is a picture of the state capital in Baton
Rouge! I used to drive past it everyday on my
way back to my house!

This is Duke! He was on the "happy drugs" so
he didn't really mind sporting the big sunglasses!
He gets car sick really badly so we just try to
make him as comfy as possible when driving home!
He didn't come to the island :( but a flight would be
much to traumatic for him (plus it would cost more
than it cost for me to get down here!)

Well class is about to start :( and that means no more blogging today.

Question of the day: What part of the Loop of Henley is impermeable to water?